The Worshipful Society of Free Masons, Rough Masons, Wallers, Slaters,
Paviors, Plaisterers and Bricklayers (The Operatives)

Constituted 29 November 2008
Allentown, Pennsylvania
An invitational body dedicated to the preservation of the history
and workings of operative guild masonry.

Constitution Ceremony

    Officers of the Assemblage, plus the GMMs.
    Front row:  David Kibble-Rees VII°, 2nd Grand Master Mason;
    Arthur Craddock VII°, 1st Grand Master Mason,
    David Hooker VII°, 3rd Grand Master Mason
    Second row: George Haynes, George Metz, A. Lindsay Rowland,
    Matthew Dupee, William Glassmire, Jerry Hamilton
    Third row: Edward Belden, Michael Sienciewicz, Jeremy White,
    Barry Lavinson, Aaron White, Timothy Settlemyer, John Lanckowski,
    Trent Anderson

    BAQA 2 is the same people, plus, on the left side, front to back
    James Field VII°, Grand Master Mason's Super Intendant of Work;
    George Johnson VI°, Assistant Grand Outside Guard;
    Glenson Jones VII°, Clerk of the North America Region.
    On the right side, wearing a hat, is Brian Blanchard VII°, Grand Clerk
    and, wearing a gold collar, André Séguin, Grand Master Mason
    of the North America Region.

    BAQA 3 is pretty much everyone who was present at the constitution ceremony, including all of the founder members and visitors.